5 Things You’ll Experience During a Kitchen Remodel
- 1.5 Things You’ll Experience During a Kitchen Remodel
- 2.Four Unexpected Problems that Could Stall Your Kitchen Remodel
This month, we begin an in-depth look at what you can expect to happen throughout the kitchen remodeling process. At Boss Cabinetry, we try our best to make the remodeling process as enjoyable as possible. We know your kitchen will look great once it’s finished, but we want to help prepare you for the journey it’ll take to get there. Be sure to share your experiences with us in the comments!
Whether this is your first remodeling project, or you’re an experienced pro, the process is always different. However, there are some things you can count on happening each time you remodel. And knowing what you can expect will help you prepare – mentally and physically – for what’s coming up. Here are a few things you should prepare for:
Chaos. The definition of chaos is: complete disorder and confusion. There is no doubt that you will feel things becoming a bit chaotic at times during the remodel. Whether it’s the loud sounds of a saw or a nail gun, things lying in complete disarray, doors opening and closing, and a solid layer of dust settling over nearly every surface in your home, you will undoubtedly crave some peace and quiet throughout the process. What to do: Spend some time away from your home, work from a coffee shop, or simply settle in the room furthest from the noise of the kitchen.
Quick decisions. Things will come up during the construction process that you didn’t even think about when you were planning. Finishes, where things should go, how high something should be hung – all decisions that require quick, but precise thinking. What to do: Don’t sweat it. Most of these things will be cosmetic and are easily changeable further down the line. If you’re not sure about something, take some time to think it through and even consult with your contacts at Boss Cabinetry.
The unexpected. If you watch any home remodeling shows, there is ALWAYS something that comes up…and unfortunately, it’s not for added drama. Whether it’s a wall you want to take out that turns out to be load-bearing, something in the remodel space that isn’t up to current code, or a shattered granite countertop, unexpected stressors will always pop up. What to do: Take it in stride. Keep your eyes on the prize and work with your contractor and Boss Cabinetry contact to reconfigure.
Delays. Whether it’s weather-related, shipping-related, family-related or contractor-related, delays come with the kitchen remodel territory. What to do: Though you should absolutely set an expected schedule with your contractor, don’t stress too heavily when something goes off track.
A beautiful kitchen. As pieces of your new kitchen start coming together, you’ll quickly remember why you started this project in the first place. What to do: Remember – though your remodel may seem to be taking an eternity, your kitchen will be done before you know it and you’ll be able to enjoy your new space.